Excess Liquidation

      Market Analysis:
      Electronic industry is changing and improving all the time. Customers’ changing needs for new products often result in a large amount of inventory or disposed components for manufacturers. Rapid and effective disposal of slow moving stock has become an indispensable means of revitalizing enterprise capital and increase enterprise competitive advantages.

     Choosing Classic as Your Excess Liquidation Service Provider -- Our Advantages:

  • Global client platform to quickly find the most suitable buyer for your excess stock

  • Powerful database management platform to rapidly provide the potential market need analysis for each item in your slow moving stock

  • Fast and safe logistics platform to complete customers' domestic and international warehouse stock transfer within the shortest period of time

  • The latest and real-time information platform to optimize the returned values

      Excess Liquidation Programs Provided by Classic Electronics

  • Package Disposal Program:
    This program of Classic Electronics is specialized in quick recovery of the stock. We can provide customers with the most detailed sub-item assessment as well as an overall assessment, analyzing their largest recovery value on the spot market, buy the stock with the agreed price, which can reduce stock, transport and loss costs for the customers and help them to obtain the recovery value.

  • Inventory Consignment Program


● 全球化的客户端平台,能为您的呆滞库存迅速找到最适合的买家
● 强大的数据库管理平台,能迅速为您的每一个呆滞库存单品分析出潜在市场需求
● 快捷安全的物流平台,能在最短时间内完成客户国内、国外仓库的库存转运
● 最新最实时的资讯平台,能最优化您的呆滞库存回收价值       

呆滞库存打包处理项目 科欣瑞提供的呆滞库存打包处理项目专用于存货的快速回收。我们能够为客户的呆滞库存清单做最详细的分项及整体评估,分析它们在现货市场上的最大回收价值,根据议定价格购买存货,减少客户的仓储、运输及损耗费用,并能迅速得到价值回收。