       在周期性很强的电子工业界,市场情况的变化会导致意料之外的零部件短缺,从而危及到工厂原本有序的生产计划,严重时甚至会危及工厂出货的即时性。同  时,现货采购风险尤高,如不谨慎,不仅会导致生产陷入停滞,更会产生品质隐患。因此,选择合格的现货供应商,尤其重要。

  • 凭借全球供应网络和多年的市场经验,科欣瑞能够提供最准确的现货资讯,包括生产商、物料编码、生产日期、价格、RoHS标准、包装信息及到货日期等。
  • 严格的供应商审核机制以及进货QC检验,伴随ISO90012000国际认证的品质控制流程标准,科欣瑞帮助客户严格控制每一批货品的品质。
  • 全球“7-24小时”服务,科欣瑞能够在最短的时间内为客户获取市场最紧俏的货品;采用FEDEX/UPS/DHL等国际快递公司的运输服务以保证准确、准时地品质运输。
  • 作为全球知名的EMS生产厂商的首选合作伙伴,科欣瑞能够提供包括CPU、内存、集成电路、被动器件和连接器等产品的市场资讯,配合市场销售团队的专业技术支持,我们能够提供在出现市场供应短缺和价格上升前,迅速、分批地购入紧俏货品的备货服务。


     Spot Buy Service

       Market Analysis: 

       In the highly cyclical electronic industry, changes in market conditions will lead to unexpected parts shortages, thereby endangering factories’ original production order and even the timely shipping. Meanwhile, the risk for spot buy procurement is especially high and without discretion, production stagnation can be caused and also hidden dangers for product qualities. Therefore, a good choice of spot buy supplier is rather important.

       Spot Buy Service Provided by Classic Electronics

  • With the global supply network and years of market experience, Classic Electronics can provide accurate spot supply information, including manufactures, material codes, manufacturing dates, prices, RoHS standards, packaging information, arrival dates, etc..

  • With rigorous supplier auditing mechanism, purchasing QC inspection as well as QC procedures standards of ISO9001:2008 international certification,  Classic Electronics can help customers with strict quality control of each batch of goods.

  • With the global "7 Days -24 Hours" service,  Classic Electronics  an help customers with the shortest possible access to market shortage goods; use services from international express companies, such as FEDEX / UPS / DHL, in order for accurate, timely and qualified transportation.

  • As the preferred partner of the world's leading EMS companies,  Classic Electronics  an provide market information for the products of CPU, memory, integrated circuits, passive components, connectors, etc.. With the professional technical supports of the marketing team, we are able to provide services of rapid and in-batch procurement of shortage goods before market shortage appears and price increases.
